Control of black ants

When black ants, or ground ants, detect the location of food, they mark the path of travel and soon the information about the meal is spread throughout the ant community. Hundreds of ants arrive instantly. The black ant is relatively harmless, but a complete nuisance as it will find its way to absolutely anywhere there is food or something sweet.

Nest locations: The habitat of black ants is usually located in the foundation of a building, along roadside verges, in the sandy pavement of a pavement, in bush roots, in a tree trunk, in a grassy area. The entrance to the nest is a small opening created by the constant work of the ants.

Life cycle: Early spring to late autumn. The “queens” of black ants hibernate but the warmth of the house generally keeps hibernating ants awake all year round.

Frequency of control: during the summer period, control must be carried out twice. The first time this is done is in the spring, to destroy both old nests and new nests created by queens that mated last year. A second eradication should be carried out at the end of the summer to destroy nearby nests before the new queens mate, to avoid them dispersing into the surrounding area.

Damage caused: The biggest damage that earthworms can do is that they will undermine the foundation and the house may sink as a result (cracks in the walls), and they can also break up the plaster from the walls quite easily.

Conditions for killing:It is recommended to kill in the morning in sunny weather, if there is no threat of rain also in the evening. Both the exterior and the interior need to be protected.

Mistakes that are made: Because black ants do not pose a direct threat to humans, they are often overlooked, but they pose the greatest threat to buildings.

The tools we use and how quickly they work: For the control of black ants, rapid acting aqueous solutions are mostly used. Often you also have to use a shovel to dig up nests. Most of the time it’s pretty quick, but a lot depends on how you get to the nest.