Pharaoh ant control

Pharaoh ants are tiny and tiny and they can penetrate even the smallest cracks. Fighting them has always been a real challenge, as pharaoh ants are perfectly hidden or in inaccessible places. It is thought that by mass exterminating these buzzing ants, they will be frightened off and move away. WRONG! Pharaoh ants need to be handled professionally and thoughtfully, as only an expert can ensure the best end result.
Nest locations: indoors, they can be seen in toilets, rubbish bins, rubbish and dirt; from there, ants climb on tables, invade toilets and crawl along dishes. They usually nest in hidden, hard-to-reach places – in floor-to-floor crawlspaces, behind fork plates and skirting boards, under parquet floors, in plaster cracks, etc. Openings and cracks through which ants enter a room are usually far from the nest.
Life cycle: pharaoh ants live in large families. The ant family includes female and male ants, “worker ants” (unhatched females), as well as their breeds and pupae. There can be more than a million individuals in a pharaoh ant family. The number of moths can reach up to 200 individuals, with an annual increase of up to 25-30 thousand. isendini.
Damage caused: Pharaoh ants can spread pathogens – streptococcus, paratyphoid, tuberculosis, bacterial allergy and polyomelitis.
Frequency of extermination: if the whole house is exterminated at once, it will usually last for many years.
Conditions for control: pharaoh ants can only be controlled by poison baits, as about 20% of the ants that feed in the nest go outside. If you spray, you kill off the worker bees that feed the nest and the nest will starve. Now Mum is going to eat her eggs because she is the most important thing in the nest and must survive. The reaction is that some of the workers also eat eggs and become sexually active, and soon there are 20-50 nests instead of one.
Mistakes that are made:
- Housing associations often claim that fighting pests is the responsibility of each apartment owner. In the case of the Pharaoh ants, this is the BIGGEST DEFENCE you can make. A Pharaoh ant never lives in just one apartment. Because they are very mobile, they move very easily from one apartment to another.
- Since under no circumstances should anything be sprayed on the pharaoh ants, there is a risk of ‘self-inflicted damage’, which could do more harm than good.
- You must not kill ants that are feeding, but let them go to their nest in peace.
- If the concentration of the poison in the bait is too high, the ants will die before they reach the nest and the result will be 0.
The tools we use and how fast they work: We use poison bait packed in plastic bags. Simply open the plastic bags and place them in any room of the apartment. It is not advisable to place the poison ivy directly on the ants’ walkways, but at least 50 cm away. However, you can also place the packages in a hidden place, such as a drawer, as ants will find them quite easily even if they are hidden.
- Packages must be placed in the same places at all times. Packages with brown content keep in the freezer .
- If you see ants gathering around your feed. do not kill them , they must take the feed to the nest.
- Fly-tipping should be kept away from children and pets, although it does not pose a direct threat to children or pets.