
Pests are organisms that can cause damage to people’s living and working environment, food supplies or property. They include a wide range of insects, rodents, bird species and micro-organisms that can invade our homes, gardens, warehouses and offices, causing problems ranging from unpleasant odours and visible damage to serious health risks.

Pests include well-known insects such as wasps, ants, aphids, bed bugs and termites, which can damage structures, spoil food and spread disease. Rodents such as rats and mice are notorious for their ability to chew through almost anything, including electrical cables, which can pose a fire risk, as well as their disease-spreading potential. In addition, certain bird species such as pigeons and sparrows can cause problems with their droppings, nesting and feeding habits, which can damage buildings and monuments and spread disease.

Pest control is therefore critical to safeguarding people’s health, protecting property and maintaining the cleanliness of our living and working environments. This includes implementing preventive measures such as proper management of rubbish and sealing cracks and openings in the building, as well as detecting pests, preventing their spread and eradicating them. Effective pest control often requires a professional approach to ensure that the problem is tackled thoroughly, using safe and environmentally friendly methods that do not harm people or pets.

When tackling pests, it is important to understand that quick fixes can provide temporary relief, but sustainable pest management requires constant attention and prevention. Professional pest control companies offer a range of services, from pest detection and removal to preventive maintenance and advice, to help prevent future infestations, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all.