Useful information

Why choose professional control?

  1. Pest control requires professional knowledge, which gives you a better guarantee that it will work. It is particularly risky to carry out, for example, pharaoh insect control without prior knowledge.
  2. Professional control is definitely cheaper than testing yourself.
  3. Professional tools are usually safer and more effective than those available at retail level.

Why carry out an organised and simultaneous control in a housing association?

  1. Simultaneous control ensures that all apartments are treated at the same time and with the same means. In many cooperatives, it is often thought that the eradication of domestic parasites is everyone’s problem. Such an attitude creates a situation where one flat, for example, will exterminate bedbugs today, another tomorrow, another the day after tomorrow, and so on. – one uses one tool, another another, etc. In this case, however, the larvae migration is very high and fast, and such unorganised control will only drive them from one apartment to another. They are particularly good at moving vertically in the flats of a house. Also, parasites are at high risk of becoming immune to repellents in the event of unorganised control.
    NB! It is particularly dangerous to leave it up to each individual to fight off pharaohs.
  2. The cost of joint control is much lower.
  3. A maintenance contract with an extermination company ensures a guarantee for the work carried out and timely eradication of parasite infestations if they reappear.
  4. Rodent control often requires professional measures.

For housing associations and condominiums

Since household parasites (ants, ants, wasps, fleas, etc.) and rodents are a major problem in many homes and local control usually does not give the expected results, Tomson OÜ, with 13 years of experience in the field, decided to come up with a new product. We offer you a comprehensive maintenance contract that includes:

  1. Quarterly rodent control
  2. Control of living parasites throughout the building (including basements, corridors and rubbish chutes) as required.
  3. Disinfection of litter bins and dustbins at least twice a year.

Why a comprehensive maintenance contract is good for you:

  1. The maintenance contract ensures that domestic parasites are controlled simultaneously in all apartments and common areas. In this case, you can be sure that the house will be free of parasites.
  2. The management contract will ensure continuity in the control of domestic parasites. This means that all new hotspots will be dismantled in time.
  3. The maintenance contract is also financially beneficial for you, as you only need to pay 25% of the total annual contract price now, with the rest paid over the year according to a payment schedule (preferably monthly).
  4. The same payment schedule will continue if the maintenance contract is renewed. This means that in the second year the maintenance contract is 25% cheaper.
  5. If there has been no need to control domestic parasites (other than rodents) for 12 months (no cholera), the amount paid is reduced by 25%. And another 25% after the next 12 months.

Why get others to do it if there are no parasites in my apartment?

  1. Even the cleanest apartment can be home to a few transients.
  2. Because, for example, the spider mite is nocturnal, we may not notice it for a long time.
  3. After control, the migration of parasites to your neighbours will certainly increase, but joint control will give you long-term protection against future attacks.

Why is it necessary to control the whole apartment if there are only cockroaches in the kitchen?

  1. Even the cleanest flat can have a few transients, especially around heaters.
  2. After control, some of the wasps may move into the room and drop a few eggcookies and start breeding there.

Is control dangerous for children and pets?

  1. Most professional repellents are safe for humans and domestic animals.

If I’m doing a repair, when would be the best time to do the repair?

  1. The best time to carry out the clean-up is when everything that is planned to be demolished and removed has been removed and repairs have not yet started.