Some tips you might need in the garden.

a) For ants in gardens, especially greenhouses, spraying the nest with a tobacco solution (50 g of tobacco (approx. 1 pack of cigarettes) preferably “juice” per 10 litres of water and letting it stand for 3 days) is quite helpful.)

b) It is possible to move the nest of the cockchafer, but then you will have to dig out about 50 cm from the ground. It is also useful to check the location of the water zone (preferably at the crossing of the water zones), otherwise they may move back quite a distance.

c) Groundhogs that scatter sand from the edge of foundations and pavements will definitely need chemical control. Powder can also be used, but experience shows that spraying is more effective. It should be borne in mind that here the ant is a very dangerous pest, especially for the building itself (they undermine the foundation and the building may sink.). I have seen it myself several times). The fact that they’re sneaking into the room is more of an oversight.

(d) Large horseshoe bats are particularly damaging to wooden structures. They certainly need chemical control.

e) Pharaoh wasps definitely need to be controlled throughout the house. Do not spray under any circumstances. Use only poison baits. Of the retail products, only gel is worth trying. However, I would still recommend consulting a specialist.

Various garden pests: the famous apple grower Sukmit once had a very effective tip worth trying. In the spring, he tied 2-3 milk bottles to each apple tree and put about 2cm of kefir or sour milk at the bottom. By autumn, the bottles were full to the brim with all sorts of insects, and in any case the apples had never wormed.

Herons: Heron nests should be searched for as early as possible, in late May, early June. Then it is still relatively safe to destroy them. In the dark, stuff the pocket into the bag by the light of a torch and cut the top fastening with a long knife. If you are late, especially in August, the job is already much more dangerous, especially if it is a vault or the nest site is inaccessible.

Mosquito ticks etc. is, in my opinion, best deterred by “Difusiil”. Lavender oil, for example, is also very helpful. It is also safe for children.

Juhan Tomson