Price list for insect control

Size of apartmentOrdering alone2-20 apartmentsOver 20 apartments
Dormitory room40 €35 €30 €
1-room45 €40 €35 €
2-bedroom50 €45 €40 €
3-bedroom55 €50 €45 €
4-bedroom60 €55 €50 €
Size of apartmentOrdering alone**2-20 apartmentsOver 20 apartments
Dormitory room35 €30 €
1-room40 €35 €
2-bedroom45 €40 €
3-bedroom50 €45 €
4-bedroom55 €50 €

* Prices apply if we carry out the control ourselves. If the cooperative distributes the feed packages itself (Only a minimum of.
one staircase) then the price is minus 25%.

** In general, at least one pike is a minimum for pharaoh ant control This means that all dwellings have to participate in the control, otherwise the pharaoh ants will resume their spread. The guarantee does not apply if you order alone.

Size of apartmentOrdering alone2-15 apartmentsOver 16 apartments
Dormitory room30 €25 €20 €
1-room35 €30 €25 €
2-bedroom40 €35 €30 €
3-bedroom45 €40 €35 €
4-bedroom50 €45 €40 €

* 10 € extra for each bed and sofa bed in the apartment. This amount does not change in the event of a repeat offence.

The price list is made for standard apartments.

For a non-standard apartment, the agreed prices apply depending on the surface area of the apartment.

Rodent control: In apartment buildings with several staircases 80€ per apartment per year. (Up to 4 troubleshooting
per year) Elsewhere, the agreed price.

Flea control: €0.5/m2/year.

Soil borer control: 0,5 € per running metre around the house, 0,5 €/m2 elsewhere.

Fly control: price by agreement

Control of wasps: Hourly rate: first hour 60 €, each subsequent hour 40 €. In most cases, you can do it in an hour.

Mildew, house moth, wood borer, moth and other insect repellents – price to be agreed.

Housing associations, children’s institutions, accommodation, shops and catering establishments – price to be agreed.
depending on the area of the building, location, etc. Ask for a price now!

The minimum contract fee for 1 year is €150.
For larger contracts (from €500), payment splitting is possible.
Negotiation is possible for larger contracts!

  • Single and multiple detached apartments – 4 months
  • Entire staircase – 6 months
  • Whole house – 12 months.

During the guarantee period, the replicas are -50% off

Surcharge – includes travel expenses to the client’s location outside Tallinn.

  • Up to 20 km outside Tallinn – 20 €
  • More than 20 km outside Tallinn – according to the agreement per property (in case of several apartments, the surcharge will be divided between the apartments).

The remaining services are subject to an agreement price.